Astrology Unbound with Evan Nathaniel Grim
Join your host Evan Nathaniel Grim as he unravels the mysteries of the universe and explores the limitless realms of astrology.
Astrology Unbound with Evan Nathaniel Grim
The Best Way to Face Reality this Capricorn Season
This Capricorn season serves as a pivotal moment to reassess our health and well-being, drawing attention to the influence of Saturn in Pisces and the realities of our lifestyle choices. The episode emphasizes the need for foundational health practices and invites listeners to confront and adapt their habits, ultimately advocating for a balanced and resilient approach to well-being as we prepare for transformative energies in the coming year.
In this episode, we explore this topic and more in order to prepare you for Capricorn season and the year ahead. This is really an opportunity to do an internal huddle and assess your goals and health choices so that you can manage the pivotal societal changes that are coming with a sense of resilience.
Hey, there, it's Evan Nathaniel Grimm, and welcome to my podcast, astrology Unbound, and today we're going to talk about Capricorn season and the themes that are definitely going to come up both at an individual level and a societal one, and before I start, though, be sure to download my 2025 horoscopes and forecast videos. These are really the best way for you to prepare for the year ahead. They include visuals detailed visuals of every new and full moon, a professional production setup, and the videos are 75 to 90 minutes each per sign, and I recommend that you get your sun, moon and rising sign. It's 20 bucks per video and 20% off if you download more than one, with the 20% discount expiring on December 31st, so you'll definitely want to take advantage of that discount now, and the videos also walk through the defining trends for each Zodiac sign. There's a custom ranking of each month and its impact on each zodiac sign, so there's a lot of valuable details in there, and this is just a great time as we experience the Mars retrograde Mercury square, saturn this week, as you're listening to, this is great for planning ahead with that Mercury-Saturn square, especially the Mercury-Jupiter opposition. So why not plan ahead and get ahead by downloading those videos and almost 8,000 of you have downloaded a video so far, and I do appreciate your support.
Speaker 1:So, as we go through today, the focus is on Capricorn season. So the sun has entered Capricorn and the winter solstice was a couple days ago. Hopefully you celebrated that. This was really, you know, an amazing time. You know, when this, from the northern hemispheric perspective, the sun starts to climb back northward and this is a resurrection, symbolically. Resurrection symbolically, and the sun starts to, you know, return northward and we start to regain light, slowly and steadily each night. And you know, capricorn season is always a time to focus on, you know, the things that we need to do each day to basically achieve, you know, achieve our long-term goals, and this is about putting in the effort to make daily adjustments and changes that add up over time. So Capricorn reminds us that all of our decisions add up over time to both positive and negative outcomes. So, with this Capricorn season, though, we're not just going to focus on that archetype broadly, we are also going to focus on the position of Saturn. You know which rules Capricorn. So you know, every Capricorn season is unique and it is defined by, you know, saturn's movements, because Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. It disposits the Sun in Capricorn. So you know, when I contextualize this, capricorn season disposits the sun in Capricorn. So you know, when I contextualize this Capricorn season, I mean number one, before we get into Saturn.
Speaker 1:This is really your time to lay a foundation for the year ahead, but specifically to address the things or issues that maybe even the topics that are not so fun, not always the sexiest or most exciting, but it's like the blocking and tackling things that you have to do in order to make Aquarius season really exciting. And the reason I'm mentioning that is because there's going to be a Sun-Pluto conjunction and alignment in Aquarius. And last year when we had the Sun-Pluto conjunction, it was in the sign of Capricorn, right? So you know, in recent years, for many years now, whenever we have this, you know, beginning of the synodic cycle with Pluto, it's always in Capricorn, and last year it was almost, or this past year it was almost in Aquarius, but not quite. So you know that conjunction on January 20th of 2024 was at, you know, 29 degrees, 59 minutes of cap, and so you know this upcoming, you know, conjunction is actually in Aquarius, in the sign of Aquarius. So Aquarius season this year, I think, is really going to have this energy of like. Well, it's almost going to herald the next 19 years of Pluto in Aquarius. Obviously, that's going to be in a time period of, you know, accelerated change and AI, sentient AI, quantum computing and all these other themes in Aquarius power, nuclear power, electricity, solar flares, maybe shutting down the grid, cybersecurity, I mean, there's all these sort of like futuristic things that you maybe only get glimpses of in sci-fi movies. All these things are going to start to really manifest and percolate. But before that Capricorn season, here is a very, very clear opportunity to create that foundation that you can rely on. Opportunity to, you know, create that foundation that you can rely on, that stable, resilient, dependable foundation that you can rely on, you know, while you know, as we head into that era of accelerated change.
Speaker 1:So, now that I've kind of established that I do want to focus on Saturn and the position of Saturn right now. So Saturn right now, is in the sign of Pisces. It has been in Pisces since March of 2023, and it will be in Pisces off and on through February 2026. However, in 2025, it will also, you know, peek into the sign of Aries, go backwards into Pisces for a bit and then go back into Aries in February of 2026. But during this Capricorn season we also have Mercury, which is a planet that deals with, like our conversations, our mental faculties. You know our thought process. We have that planet in Sag, squaring Saturn in Pisces.
Speaker 1:So right now, I do think reality is setting in through our conversations or our modes of thought. We're suddenly realizing that, with the square root of Saturn in Pisces, that we have to focus on health, and that's really the topic I want to focus on today. And again, it is not the sexiest topic. It is not a topic that you'll see a lot of astrologers address, either because they're hesitant to give advice about this thing or about health to like a mass audience, or maybe they don't see as great of results in the algorithm when they talk about that. Whatever the case, I don't really see a lot of content directed towards health in the astrology social media community, even though that's what's staring us right in the face.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know, pisces is very much about pervasive things in in the environment, like whether it's pathogens or toxins or plastics or whatever it may be, but it's also really about the immune system, mental health, spiritual health, um, you know, and obviously, with the immune system we're talking about, you know, our health generally, you know saturn in pisces, I think, is giving us an opportunity to sustain good health, right In an era where, it's like you know, convenience is king and, you know, we're not really incentivized to focus on, you know, becoming more resilient or engaging in resistance training. Right, it's almost like we're again being tempted to plug into this Aquarian energy of like. This Aquarian energy of like, you know, you can have your delivery order whenever you want or you can rely on AI to do something for you, or whatever. It's like, you know, saturn and Pisces, squaring, mercury and Sag. Is that health practitioner or that doctor telling you, hey, like, if you don't make these adjustments to your lifestyle now, then you know it will compound over time and you know you will eventually develop this condition or whatnot. And so you know, I think that people are either hearing I'm not trying to scare you, but, like, some people are even like hearing some sobering news right now, either about themselves or about a family member or a friend. Or, you know, a friend is just mentioning, or a family member is mentioning to you that, hey, like, you have to start investing more time in your nutrition, your exercise, your daily practices. Otherwise, it will add up to something you know that you don't want.
Speaker 1:And Saturn, you know, is showing us sort of exposing the consequences of Neptune being in Pisces. So it's kind of sweeping in from behind and being like well, you know, these Neptunian endeavors or activities that you've invested in since 2011, when Neptune entered Pisces, maybe have been deleterious in some ways, because Neptune in Pisces has almost incentivized us to dissociate, withdraw from the identity of self, transcend the ego in some cases, which can be amazing, right Like we are, you know, maybe becoming conduits for the divine, or we're drawing upon a creative muse. You know these are, or we are, you know, donating to a cause, we're volunteering, we are part of some kind of humanitarian group. I mean, these are all you know the upsides of Piscean energy, but you know, or finding a spiritual community. But the other downside of Pisces is that, you know, we can lie to ourselves, we can lie to others, we can make excuses, we can completely avoid responsibility and we can, like, pretend as though we are not time bound, we are not bound within a body, and that we can essentially, you know, do as we please and we can ignore the suggestions of a doctor, ignore the suggestions of our spiritual guide or ignore the, you know, whatever suggestions you rely on for health Again, and that's not up to me, like some people would rather consult a shaman than a doctor you know, whatever path you take, you know Saturn is showing us that. You know, while some of the things we've engaged in, like our spiritual enlightenment journey, that has been great. I mean, I love Neptune and Pisces for myself.
Speaker 1:With Neptune on my midheaven in 2020, I started learning about astrology. But in other cases, there are periods of time. There have been periods of time with Neptune and Pisces when I have dissociated. You know I have given into the party lifestyle. When I was living in New York City, I was very much trying to de-stress from my corporate job, which I absolutely hated. You know my way of de-stressing and decompressing was to go out for happy hours three to four times a week and like that really added up and that has affected my health and I am dealing with, you know, some minor consequences of that now. And in that example, a lot of that partying that I did happened when Neptune was squaring my Mars and my Mercury at the same time, because I have a Mercury Mars opposition. So in 2016, 2015, neptune was creating a T-square with my Mars-Mercury opposition, so my daily lifestyle became more Neptunian, meaning I was drinking a lot.
Speaker 1:But now that Saturn this year, in 2024, played that role of squaring my Mars-Mercury opposition at that same position, you know, I woke up to the fact that, you know, maybe all of that drinking started to affect my body in certain ways, and so this year I've really taken it upon myself to, you know, really focus on nutrition, strength training. You know, just observing my health metrics in a different way. So, anyways, I think we're all going through something like that or we're witnessing something like that. So maybe you're watching a family member receive news that they have to change their lifestyle, or, again, you are receiving that news, or you're thinking about your health differently. So I mean, don't view this as a purely negative thing or a daunting thing Again.
Speaker 1:The opportunity with this Mercury-Saturn square is that we can sustain good health Again in this modernized time where, like the temptation, like convenience is a temptress, convenience is always calling to us and saying well, why don't you just order that for delivery instead of going to the grocery store, instead of having an in-person interaction with your food and really, like, you know, judging your food that you're about to buy or whatever it is for you, or, you know, choosing the couch instead of standing up. I mean, like, whatever it is for you, it's about making some tweaks to your daily lifestyle right now because that will make, you know, make sure that you are healthy and you are resilient during this Pluto and Aquarius era, where change is going to happen really fast, and you want to be healthy for that, you want to be aware, for that you want to be, um, you know, really tapped in. For that you don't want because, like, what's going to happen next year is, you know, neptune's going to leave pisces and a lot of people are going to be like, oh, I wanted that, I still wanted that, you know, blissful experience, I still wanted that. You know, chocolate or that candy or whatever, and it's being taken away from us and it's like, oh uh, suddenly I realized that that wasn't the right. Very much the even more of a reason during this Capricorn season, to think about the daily practices that you can invest in that will ensure that there will be no rude awakening or reckoning for you when you know Neptune leaves Pisces. You know this is a time where we cannot avoid. Also, though, like what's in our environment, what's airborne or, you know, is there pollution that we have to pay attention to in our neighborhood or in our city? Is there something in our food that we have to pay attention to? Is there something in our toothpaste, in our water? I mean, these are all questions that you want to be asking yourself right now.
Speaker 1:Lunar nodes, you know, shift into Virgo and Pisces, like you know. There is a small chance that there, you know, there could be some kind of pathogen, you know, really rearing its ugly head or something in the next few months, because you know, we do have that eclipse on March 13th, you know, lunar eclipse in Virgo, with the south node in Virgo, I think mid-March, I mean, could be showing us with the north node on Neptune, and I think mid-March, I mean, could be showing us with the North node on Neptune and Saturn in the sun. Like that there is some kind of transmissibility or communicability with some type of pathogen or disease that's percolating, and I'm not suggesting that it's a particular pathogen. I mean I know that the bird flu is being monitored right now. I mean it could be something else. It could just be like a really bad flu season. It could be some other sort of illness, but you know this is a time during Capricorn season, to again focus on what does your body need, what does your spirit need, what does your mind need? You know how can you stimulate all of these things on a daily basis. So maybe you know, allocate a certain amount of time to each sort of piece of that triumvirate so that you are holistically healthy.
Speaker 1:And you know, with the North End and Pisces, I think that people will find different routes to healing, whether that is, you know again, spirituality, finding a spiritual community. I actually think religion will become more popular again, like I think a lot of people will, you know, partake in like mega churches or their local synagogue or mosque or whatever branch of religion they, you know, engage in. I think a lot of people will be drawn to various religions, and you know so I'm not trying to make this like a nutritional podcast or anything but, like, I'm talking about the topics that you know people should I mean astrologers should be addressing head, talking about the topics that you know, um, people should I mean astrologers should be addressing head-on. I mean, you know, and I think a lot of astrologers have been hesitant, partly because, like during the pandemic, there was like a rift over like, okay, how to like deal with it and like, are we, you know, like what? What sort of treatment should we write like? Should we even be like getting involved in like treatment recommendations? Right, like that's a that's sort of a challenging topic to address, right, especially to. I mean, it became a really sensitive subject essentially, but I still think that, like, it's incumbent upon us to, you know, focus on like what does Saturn and Pisces actually mean? I mean, like Epstein-Barr was discovered when Saturn was in Pisces, I believe in the 60s, but when Saturn was in Pisces in that cycle.
Speaker 1:But you know, saturn and Pisces can also focus on addiction. You know, in the mid 90s we definitely had the war on drugs, you know was really front and center. So, you know, saturn and Pisces does illuminate lifestyle and toxic habits and things like that. And it illuminates all the unhealthy and healthy ways that we dissociate from the ego, basically deceived either by, you know, health practitioners, or where we may have been deceived by you know health experts, or where we may have deceived ourselves, but again by completely shirking responsibility and saying that, like we don't actually have to, you know, take ownership of this or that.
Speaker 1:You know, I think this Capricorn season is basically highlighting Saturn and Pisces, and what makes it different, though, than last Cap season, which also featured Saturn and Pisces, is that we do have the Mercury-Saturn square very much in effect right now as the Sun enters Capricorn. So I actually do want to take this opportunity to walk backwards and check out last Capricorn season to kind of show you the differences, and check out last Capricorn season to kind of show you the differences. So the last time that the Sun entered Cap and we had the winter solstice was December 21st 2023. And at that time, we did have Mercury retrograde in Cap, but, you know, it was not anywhere near squaring Saturn. It was actually sextiling Saturn, if anything.
Speaker 1:So this time around, I think that you know, this Saturn-Mercury square is really again forcing us to actually have conversations about health, to maybe have our own reality checks upon overhearing someone else's sobering health conversation. So I mean, this is almost like giving the energy of, you know, a grandparent maybe dealing with chronic health issues and, you know, having that discussed in a hospital. Or, you know, maybe you're at the hospital witnessing this and witnessing the doctor telling your grandparents that they have to, you know, basically wake up to the reality that they can no longer do X, y, z, or they have to make these adjustments. And then suddenly the light bulb goes off in your mind and you're like, well, now that I think about it, I actually should really deal with this in my own way. So, you know, I think there's something to be said for that. Now, what exactly are we dealing with?
Speaker 1:Health-wise, though, like I said, saturn is sweeping in to expose any poor practices that we've been engaged in since Neptune was in Pisces, which it is still in Pisces, but since 2011, when Neptune entered Pisces, all of that is subject to be exposed right now, meaning, you know, any deleterious habits that you've been engaged in over the last 13 years or so is liable to be scrutinized by Saturn, to be scrutinized by Saturn, but I think what Saturn typically exposes in Pisces is chronic conditions or long-standing bad habits, because Mars, as a planet, is much more sudden, much quicker to take effect. So Mars has the energy of like a sudden fire or a sudden accident or something like that, whereas Saturn is more chronic. It's like a chronic ailment, or it's like arthritis, or it's something that is directly, you know, it's a direct manifestation of long-term choices that have added up, which makes sense, right, because Capricorn shows us that Saturn is the lord of time, saturn rules Capricorn and so it's like you know, we're seeing how all of these choices have compounded. So, again, if you're going to reflect on anything, reflect on longstanding habits, like I don't know, something that I went through this year.
Speaker 1:You know, I used to have like a third or so of a pint of ice cream every night. So I used to go through like a pint of ice cream every three days and I used to think that, well, because I you know, I don't know I honestly was having ice cream like that much since I was like 15 or something, and because I wasn't really like seeing it affect me like negatively in terms of like weight, I just kind of assumed that I should be fine. But then I like I had a wake up call this year where I was like no, I really can't continue to do that, like I can't like eat ice cream every night. Like that's insane. Like it doesn't matter if I work out or run or whatever, like if I'm putting that in my body like that much sugar right before bed, like that's just a bad thing, that's a bad idea. So I finally like cut ice cream out of my diet this year, even though I love I mean it's great, I love eating it. It's like I just had to be realistic because, you know, I'm experienced.
Speaker 1:I experienced the Saturn Mercury square the entire year and most of 2023, because I have Mercury in Sag. So if anyone understands the Mercury Saturn square lately, it's me. I mean, you know. So, like, take it from me like we're all experiencing a miniature version of that with, with the transiting Mercury-Saturn square, we are, all you know, facing and confronting these realities again that you know it's like time to finally cut that out, or it's finally time to, you know, focus on your glutes or your thighs or some part of your body where maybe you haven't been as strong lately, like whatever it is. That's going to be the focus, and I think that, even though Jupiter is opposing Mercury, I think the Saturn square far outweighs the Jupiter opposition, by the way, because, even though there's technically a T-square right now, you know the Saturn square means a lot more, because Saturn deposits the transiting sun in Capricorn. You know we're in Capricorn season, so Saturn carries a lot of weight.
Speaker 1:Another theme, though that's coming up is legalities. So a lot of legal situations are coming up. So Blake Lively, for example you know, you saw, I believe, she sued one of her co-stars. I didn't fully dive into that story, but that's what I heard from the news. So you are seeing legal cases come up and I think that will continue to be a trend for the next few weeks. So a lot of legal cases will be brought forth, either publicly or more on a personal level. So I wanted to highlight that.
Speaker 1:Also, some travel difficulties may continue. Uh, so some people may be reconsidering travel based on weather patterns. Like maybe you wanted to go to bali, but there's flooding in bali right now. Um, and other people will cancel trips because they no longer want to talk to somebody. Um, and you know, this is generally a week, by the way, upcoming, where people are not as talkative or social. People are more reticent, people are more in hermit mode. I don't know.
Speaker 1:I saw a video about the Venus-Jupiter trine. I think that means something to some degree, and Venus is an Aquarius, which can be social. But the Mercury-Saturn square is also signaling that it's okay to hibernate right now, it's okay not to respond to someone right away, it's okay. If someone doesn't respond to you right away, like genuinely, with the Mars retrograde being so kind of enervating, I think it's okay to just take a step back and to just relax and watch a bunch of Harry Potter movies or something. So just binge watch something If you ever had to like be a little bit like kind of lazy. I think this week is okay for that.
Speaker 1:You know you want to hit the ground running on, I believe, the 30th, with the Cap New Moon, which I'll address in the next podcast episode, by the way. But you know, if you have to just take it easy right now, I wouldn't. Yeah, it's December 30th, that new moon, yeah, I mean, that's another point, by the way, we're in the last quarter moon as I'm recording this. We're in a last quarter moon phase. We're, you know, reaching that sort of, you know, waning crescent moon. This is, you know, this is a time where, even from the lunar cycle perspective, we're winding down. But I promise you, once we get into, you know, aquarius season, that Sun-Pluto conjunction shortly thereafter, you know the change is going to happen real fast.
Speaker 1:I mean, not only because there's a new administration coming in around that time, but because, you know, we get this influx of air energy but during cap season, for a lot of cap season, we have Venus and Pisces, mercury and Capricorn. That's a lot of earth and air Mars back into Cancer. You know that is very introspective, that's very passive, that's very reflective, you know. But one thing I wanted to highlight that is really powerful is the Sun-Mars opposition. That will happen during Cap season. The Sun-Mars opposition is the peak of the synodic cycle of Mars and the Sun and it is really the peak of the Mars retrograde. So that's when Mars is the brightest in the sky, that's when it's the most powerful and also unhinged. So that's towards the end of Cap season, jan 15.
Speaker 1:Around January 15, people are going to be very unhinged, very Martian, very angry, very aggressive, you know, and people and families may be fighting over things, which is very much a Mars retrograde and cancer phenomenon. You know we also will have a Mercury-Mars opposition. I believe that's actually during Aquarius season, yes, but you know, just to call that out, you know there will be a Mercury-Mars opposition in January, january 23rd. That's also a time when people are very argumentative. I have a Mars retrograde opposing Mercury.
Speaker 1:Believe me, I understand this energy. It's very quarrelsome but also insatiably curious to like read, write, communicate, you know, just engage in like a busy daily life. I mean it's kind of a hectic time, but that's all to say. Like Aquarius season is busy, it's real busy. So right now is okay to like again, take it slow, focus on your health, focus on your health holistically, focus on your wellness journey, focus on managing any chronic conditions. You know, set resolutions, set new habits so that you know you can, you know, live out this mantra that health is wealth. And you know like, if you're going to focus on wealth, like success, success is measured by your health, especially during cap season.
Speaker 1:And then, you know, as we get into Aquarius season, actually even during cap season, we have the lunar nodes again shifting into Virgo and Pisces, which again is also going to focus on health, and with the North Node in Pisces conjunct Neptune, I do think a lot of people will start to to revere these more like spiritual or religious movements again and they will sort of divert their attention away from celebrity. So this is the collapse of the false idols or any you know celebrities that we put maybe the wrong faith in or we misplace our faith in them. We're going to start to focus more on, like, these sort of universal truths, these higher powers, and because of that we're not going to worship people, who you know, people I mean, we're not going to worship people in the physical body as much. Of course the mandate at that time is to ground yourself and stay grounded. But you know, we will be focused on getting outside of our egos, but again in a healthy way. We don't want to dissociate.
Speaker 1:What I don't like about the North Node and Pisces to kind of, you know, build on that is the fact that you know it does increase the transmissibility of pathogens because we're literally melting our boundaries between ourselves and a higher power and ourselves and other people. So it does make pathogens more transmissible. So during COVID we have the north and south node of Gemini and Sag, which are mutable signs. When the north and south nodes are immutable signs it's more likely I know this happens frequently of course the north and south nodes are mutable signs but it does make it more likely that something will be communicable like a disease. We also have Chiron stationing direct, I believe December 29th, during cap season. So even Chiron Stationing Direct is emphasizing health and healing and, you know, re-strengthening and revitalizing ourselves, because it's in the sign of Aries which is all about the masculine and the individual willpower and our strength. So, yeah, I mean there's a lot of things highlighted there that I've mentioned today.
Speaker 1:The other thing I just would add on is that you know Saturn in Pisces does emphasize flooding risks, water-related disasters. So, you know, close your windows during a snowstorm, obviously, check for any leaks in your home, seal those up, be careful while driving. And inclement weather, any wet, you know, rain, sleet, snow kind of stuff. And, by the way, the health choices you make right now will be re-scrutinized in seven years. So one quarter of a Saturn cycle, so around 2032, when Saturn, I believe, is in late Gemini. You know, literally like the things that you do right now I think are being evaluated even then. So this is not a low stakes time. I mean, this is a incredibly consequential Saturn transit and Saturn's going to meet up with Neptune co-presents in Aries this summer or in May of 2025. So even by then, you know that's a health reckoning.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know, probably a reckoning for the healthcare system in general. You know people are going to like maybe decide. Well, you know, maybe I want to divest from the healthcare and like whole healthcare thing I want to focus on. I don't know, like maybe I mentioned this on the last podcast, but I just wonder if there's going to be communities of healthy people that are basically like created in isolation and like a situation where people can like live in a completely different society of healthy people where they don't have to pay that much for healthcare because of that. I mean I know that, for example, like when I used to work for a startup, like we used to get like free healthcare because, like everybody at the company was like really young. So I mean there may be like new healthcare models that come up over the next year that are created, or like honestly different societies where people live off of like localized food, decentralized everything, blah, blah, blah, new spiritual communities popping up, but I think like the cost of healthcare will be underscored over the next year. I also think, um, again, people will be focusing on health differently and there's a whole set of other meanings with Saturn and Pisces, these are it's going to highlight massive achievements in the arts and music and film, and again, maybe new spiritual communities will be built or something or formed. That's all true, but I think, for the sake of like focusing on pragmatic things that are really high value for you right now.
Speaker 1:You know, this Capricorn season is showing that there are health situations that cannot be ignored, both at a collective scale and at an individual level. So focus on that. I talked about this last week as well, but edit your book, edit your written work, finish up any writing or communications things you know. Finish up any, yeah, any writing or communications things. And I think that, again, as long as you focus on your long-term health right now, managing chronic conditions and sort of projecting out and extrapolating, like sort of the effects of your choices and your lifestyle, and even, again, balancing out your mental, spiritual and physical health, I think, as long as you do all those things, capricorn season should be good for you. Again, it's not the most exciting season this time. I'm not saying that every Capricorn season is boring, by the way, but like this Capricorn season, you know, is really really heavily focused on that and again honestly also focusing on how you can manage like flood risks and any water related damage and I talked about this on another platform recently, but like I don't know, with the Saturn Neptune conjunction coming up, I personally would be very cautious about like living like super, super close to a coastline that's, like you know, prone to flooding or prone to, you know, any kind of like. And, again, it's not just the coastline, it could be like rain related damage in like the middle of the country or something. But, like you know, just really pay attention over the next year and a half to any flood risks that may be arising in your community. So, anyways, thank you so much.
Speaker 1:I'm Evan Nathaniel Grimm. Remember to give this sub or not, the sub stack, sorry this podcast a rating and a review. I do appreciate that and, yeah, definitely subscribe to my Substack newsletter. It's also really valuable. It dives deep into what each sign can expect for the new and full moons. I just did a winter solstice horoscope. There will be a lot more educational content coming out soon and, for the paid subscribers, you get 30% off everything in my store. On my website, you also do get access to recurring live birth chart readings, which I will be activating again in the new year. So stay tuned for those dates and, again, be sure to download my 2025 forecast, which really do, you know, set you up for success in the year ahead. So, again, thank you so much. Hope you have a great week and a wonderful Capricorn season. Take care.