Astrology Unbound with Evan Nathaniel Grim
Join your host Evan Nathaniel Grim as he unravels the mysteries of the universe and explores the limitless realms of astrology.
Astrology Unbound with Evan Nathaniel Grim
The Astrology of the L.A. Fires
This episode discusses the astrological context of the L.A. fires, the potential causes behind the fires, and the overall prognosis moving forward.
• The role of astrology in understanding natural disasters and making predictions responsibly
• Connection between Pluto's transits and historical context
• Influence of Saturn's positioning in Pisces
• Exploration of contributing factors in the fires
• Analysis of Los Angeles' birth chart and its implications for forecasting
• Predictions surrounding pollutants and health concerns post-fires
• Emphasis on community resilience and personal preparedness
Hey, there, it's Evan Nathaniel Grimm, and welcome to the latest episode of Astrology Unbound, and today we are going to discuss the fires in Los Angeles, how the astrology reflects these catastrophes and what the astrology suggests about the future. Now I'm going to be giving you my forecasts and predictions very responsibly today, not in any way to fearmonger or to make people more anxious. The spirit of today's episode is to, number one, provide guidance, not just for Los Angeles residents but for the world at large, because these transits are obviously playing out in various contexts, but also to be solutions-oriented and to again help people understand what are, again, the astrological mechanics of this. Now, there are many other ways that you can talk about and think about the you know, again, the devastation that's happening in Los Angeles. Like, obviously you want to check in on your loved ones and you know I'm an LA resident myself who is definitely grappling with. You know just how to process these events and obviously there's really direct ways that you can help people in the city and astrology has a very specific role to play in any situation, which again is to really help people prepare for things, but also to understand the cycles that both you know really positive events like the cycles that positive events fit into, as well as the more challenging ones and even the devastating ones. But my hope is that by the end of today's episode you feel like you have some sort of forward direction and guidance related to this and other, you know potential disasters, and that you don't feel powerless and you don't feel like, again, there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, there definitely are things you know in the future, in the near future, which I'll point out, that can really unify us and, you know, just help us kind of resolve our differences with things.
Speaker 1:But again, I want to really drive to the heart of what the underlying factors are and how those underlying factors are sort of being unspooled over the next few months and years and again, how you can adjust to that. So just for context, many of you are probably already familiar with this, but these are historic fires across the city of Los Angeles, affecting the east and west sides, all the way up into the valley, affecting the east and west sides, all the way up into the valley, and it's unclear what exactly the origin of all these fires are. There's seemingly more questions than answers right now. I know that I've been scraping the news and you know X, all the time trying to figure out, you know, is there a new warning? Is there, you know, and also unplugging, though at times right. So really just realizing that. You know I can't necessarily, I'm not necessarily going to benefit by obsessively tracking everything. So, you know, maintaining calm, that's obviously that's something I've been trying to do right now, but I'm sure, again, you're all familiar with the situation.
Speaker 1:So now I'm going to dive into the astrological context of sort of the events and transits leading up to this. So for the past few years I've been talking about how there have been many World War II markers in the sky and this is primarily driven by the fact that Pluto is currently opposing the position of Pluto at the outset of World War II. So at the outset of World War II, in 1939, we had Pluto at two degrees of Leo. Now it's in the early degrees of Aquarius, at certain points at exactly two degrees of Aquarius. And obviously World War Two has symbolized so many things. But one dimension of World War Two was nuclear power and Pluto rules nuclear power, considering, you know, plutonium goes into that, but there's other sort of oppositions going on with Neptune as well, you know hearkening back to World War II, and you know it's one of these sort of occurrences with the transits, whereas an astrologer, I don't want to raise the alarm without giving people like any solution.
Speaker 1:So like two years ago, even three years ago, I was on TikTok just sort of again, just presenting research, I guess, and doing so in somewhat of a vague way because I didn't really want to again, I didn't want to freak people out and say, oh, you know, I'm foreseeing some kind of like nuclear type event. But that's really what I was, you know, sort of thinking about. And you know, on my own I was like sort of thinking about, and on my own I was like looking at the Mars-Pluto opposition that started to take effect at the end of 2024 specifically, and thinking about how Mars was reaching the World War II Pluto position and just how, in general, mars-pluto oppositions are rarely months long and in this case because of a Mars retrograde. But when you think about the energy of a Mars-Pluto opposition dragging on for months, it does feel like a pressure chamber that is set to implode or explode or, you know, with Mars being fire, to sort of lead to some kind of cataclysmic event that is either nuclear or fire related, or you know something that leaves behind this sort of scorched earth or, you know, leaves behind some kind of devastation. And anyways, you get the point, and I'm sure I'm not the only astrologer who is pointing this out, but this was back in 2022, you know, when I was discussing how this Pluto position is very worrisome, not just through the lens of, you know, the conflicts in Ukraine or the Middle East, but there was a risk of some kind of large-scale devastation. And you know, obviously, the fires. When you look at the before and after images, I mean it looks like a bomb just went off.
Speaker 1:And another factor that astrologers have been focusing on for the past two years or so is Saturn and Pisces, and Saturn is a planet that delays or creates restrictions around something, and Pisces very much has to do with oceans, water, rain, snow, and so Saturn and Pisces has led many astrologers, myself included, to forecast sort of inevitable water shortage crises somewhere in the world, while there was bound to be an overabundance of water elsewhere. So, like you know, the flooding that devastated North Carolina last year, or the droughts on the West Coast, and the point is that in that scenario, it's like the ecosystem is out of balance. So, again, there's areas of the world where there are, you know, extreme temperatures in either direction, whether it's hot or cold, but then when you loop in Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, it's also created concerns, at least from my side of being a psychic and an astrologer making predictions. When I was looking at the Saturn-Neptune co-presence that has been going on since March of 2023, I've been concerned about events that would sort of cause toxins or particles or pollutants to kind of percolate in the air or the water you know, like contaminated water. So you add this all up and you have a picture of like, okay, either a nuclear event or an event that resembles, you know, something that's sort of scorched earth in nature, but also something that reflects a water crisis.
Speaker 1:And again, in the situation with the LA fires, we had issues extracting water from the fire hydrants Empty, well, I don't know if it was empty reservoirs or just, um, you know close to empty reservoirs, but all kinds of issues asked accessing water. But then the question was when would the trigger point be for something like this? So, you know, reverse, go back six, nine months ago. It's well, you know it was like either the marker was going to be last september, which was when we had the lunar eclipse in pisces and that did trigger the historic flooding in North Carolina, or something would happen when the North Node entered Pisces. So right now, you know, with the North Node really triggering that sign of Pisces alongside Neptune and Saturn, and either creating these religious movements, spiritually uplifting moments, or humanitarian sort of endeavors, or leading to something that is more catastrophic, with either water or natural gas or something that leads to a pervasive kind of pollutant in the air. And so all of this really converged with the LA fires, which is the event that not only is really establishing the tone for the North and South Node in Pisces and Virgo, but I think is obviously setting the tone for 2025, which I think is a year where extreme weather events are going to be the norm.
Speaker 1:But before I get into, I know that some of you are probably listening to this and wondering well, is the cause just you know extreme weather, you know factors, or is it arson? We'll definitely talk about that in a minute, but I also want to like give you context on other sort of more psychic visions that I was having before the fires. So you know, I did a webinar about the astrology of 2025. That was on January 5th, which was a Sunday, and you know, in that the night before, I was, you know, setting up a slide where I really wanted to summarize 2025 in an image, and so I consulted, you know, the, the Bing AI image creator, and I was like, let me, let me actually just create an image, you know, instead of like consulting the charts, just like what, what is the vibe here? And I just typed in like man running from a burning vehicle while a drone flies overhead and tries to drop a delivery box, like in the area, and, um, I wasn't, you know, I was just kind of flowing in that case and not really trying to, you know, again, stick to a grid or some kind of aspect or angle, like I usually do.
Speaker 1:I'm very much, you know, um, analytical, but I was like, no, let me, let me just get creative with this and just come up with some kind of image that you know indicates that this year is very it just felt like very hot and dry and it felt like there was some concern about safety and it felt like there was also maybe even a mass movement to try to help these people. So, as I was walking through the webinar and you know, describing 2025, I looked at the transits as well and I was like, well, mars in Cancer Squaring Chiron and Aries is giving me this impression that maybe there's like a firefighter saving someone from a burning building. And you know, I described the AI image that I created of you know. Again, it feels like I described them as like a Paul Walker lookalike, which is ironic because he was an actor and kind of I think he's. Well, he was born in California. He kind of resembles that quintessential, like you know, california male surfer dude who like also acts and whatever and whatnot. So an RIP to Paul Walker, I mean, I really, I really I really did love watching the first Fast and Furious movie in the late nineties, but you know I was relaying all these sort of visuals and images to people in the webinar and not necessarily understanding why I was sharing it with them.
Speaker 1:Um, and as I was talking, I was also picturing that music video by the band corn called got the life and that music video just like really stuck with me when I was a kid, came out, I think in like 98 or something like that, and you know the whole video is filmed in a way, or it's edited in a way, where the camera lens looks sort of like yellowish and the pavement is clearly like scorching hot and there's like the vapor rising from the pavement and the whole video just looks like it's just like LA at its hottest, like it's about to burn or there's already smoke in the air and kind of polluted and whatnot. So again, I walked away from that webinar, honestly being a little bit confused as to why I was seeing that and talking about that, because it felt like it was kind of landing with the transits but also was a bit of a just a shot in the dark really. But also, as I was leading up to like the end of 2024, really throughout 2024, whether I don't know if you follow me on Instagram, but I kept talking about how on on Instagram in my personal life, how I was seeing a mass exodus from LA, like a lot of people I know had like moved from LA away from LA in 2024. And I was kind of comparing it to like a flock of birds migrating before a storm. I was like thinking to myself like is Saturn and Pisces going to lead to some kind of tsunami or rare sort of like monsoon or I don't know if monsoons are actually possible in the Southwest or like on the California coast, but like I was wondering if there would be some kind of hurricane or tsunami impacting LA and if that was going to be the event. I know that some publications had even done articles in years past about how that was a possibility. But you know, I just figured that people were leaving LA not just because maybe they, you know, were disgruntled about, I don't know, the entertainment industry, or they just weren. People were driven by their subconscious or their instincts to kind of flee the area in advance of something.
Speaker 1:Now I stayed in LA and I've decided to stay in LA because, I don't know, sometimes I describe it to people as like, even if the ship is going down, like I just want to be on the ship and try to help here or just be part of the action. I guess I mean, you know, because I've talked to people also who, for various reasons, are like, oh you know, should I leave the United States? And like people have been asking me that for years now and again. It's like, whatever your politics are, whatever you think about the US, whether you think it's on a positive trajectory or a negative one. I've always been like. Well, I just feel like I want to. I want to be here to, I guess, be part of the massive historic transition, whatever it looks like, and to hopefully just have a positive effect on people and what's going on.
Speaker 1:So, anyways, I also experienced, you know, passing in my family a week before the webinar and my grandfather passed away and his funeral, his memorial and his funeral date was set for the 10th of January. So I, coincidentally, was set to fly out of LA the morning of Tuesday, january 7th. I don't know if I said June 10th or January 10th, by the way, for the funeral, but it was January 10th and so January 7th, tuesday morning, I took a flight out at like 6am, which was like insanely early, but it was the only flight that kind of worked with my schedule. And as I was flying, or right before we took off that morning, right before we took off that morning, the LAX airport switched the. They flipped around the takeoff and landing runways and I was. I'd never experienced that.
Speaker 1:I was just trying to sort of postulate as to why, and it sort of dawned on me during the ascent that it was probably because of the winds, because we were flying up and you know, probably at I don't know 15,000 feet by the time we got over Joshua tree or something and, um, the winds were really whipping us around. I mean, I wasn't worried about my safety or anything, but the takeoff was definitely probably one of the like top 10 bumpiest I've experienced. And that's when I was sort of wondering. I started checking the forecast of all these areas and I was like, ah, the high, there's high wind alerts and, um, you know the I wonder if the runway switch was to accommodate you know, the planes that are landing, cause the landing would be a lot rougher even in that type of wind, uh, wind, windy environment. So, anyways, then I thought back to the day before and I was like, well, I went hiking the night before in Griffith Park and I stopped at the one of the summits when even though I didn't really have time to because, well, and I took my I was walking my dog Smokey is my dog's name, full name is Smokey Quartz, but ironically our dog's's name is Smokey and I just decided to walk him and myself up to one of these summits in the park and just kind of like take in the view for like 15 minutes and I was like, why am I standing here for so long?
Speaker 1:And I was taking videos and I could see out to the ocean which is rare, sometimes depending on the smog and felt like a tourist. Honestly I was like, wow, I mean which you know, nothing wrong with taking videos, obviously Views as an LA local it happens all the time but I was taking videos of a view that I'd taken videos of before and would almost prefer to just see with my own eyes. But I really just but yeah, I was just soaking it in. And then, of course, by the time I got to Minneapolis, I started tracking the news and you know, my heart went out to all the people who I knew, that and everyone in LA that were still there. And you know I was anxious about my house and I'm fortunate that my house has been unaffected, but it is, you know, it is close to one of the fires, so it's like two or three neighborhoods away from one of the fires. So I mean, definitely has been a cause for concern.
Speaker 1:But you know, I've just been watching it from afar and you know kind of watching the worst case scenario play out, and this is where I want to get into kind of the whole concept of responsible forecasting before I, you know, kind of go into my predictions or to offer more predictions about the fires as sort of a either a vanity play or a reason to get more attention for various purposes and so on. And you know, I didn't really agree with that overall as an overall statement. I could see why, with any case of with any argument right you have, you have a kind of a bell curve. Usually you have like a middle 80 of scenarios where things are playing out like in a like to a level of moderation, where it's like we can all agree that, oh, this is a sensible approach to something. And then there's like 10 on either side where it's at the extreme margins or it's many standard deviations away from from the norm.
Speaker 1:And you know, like, for example, maybe let's say, an astrologer who decides to like, let's say I don't know post a prediction about the la fires, but it's like you, you have to like pay for the prediction or something like that would obviously be extremely tone deaf and not helpful. You know, like, in a disaster scenario like this, it's like I'm recording this podcast with the predictions that I that where I think the fire is going, because I don't want to like gatekeep or prevent someone from being able to like have the information, like yes, in that I think it would be problematic if someone was like clearly just using it as a Trojan horse to to sell something. But I also can see the other extreme, which I think is more common than not nowadays, in some ways, of astrologers kind of like just withholding things because either they don't have the confidence in their predictions, of predictive abilities, or they just don't think that people will benefit, which I think is like way too cynical, like I don't really like. Yes, obviously in a disaster scenario, you have to rank the order of importance of like helpful versus unhelpful things, and so if there's a fire, you're going to look to the firefighter first and foremost to actually solve the problem. An astrologer is not there to actually fix the issue directly.
Speaker 1:Obviously, we should honor and make space for the first responders and that, for example, is why I didn't post any videos for about three days after the fire started, cause I was like I don't even want to like block or contribute to the stream of content right now. Like I want people to just have the resources. I don't want to like cloud people's uh, you know, instagram or Tik TOK walls. So you know, and that's not to put myself on any, to self-aggrandize, like, I don't think that makes me, you know, a hero by any means. But I think it's way too cynical to say that astrologers should not like offer their sort of abilities during a time of crisis, right, like as I've seen in my own personal life like astrology can actually help you ideally anticipate some crises and make sense of them. So you know, there are times when, for example, someone experiences like a death in the family, but it sort of shows up in the astrology or some other major life event, and so astrology really does help people process and grieve.
Speaker 1:And in the case of mundane astrology global forecasts I do think there's a way to kind of again strike a balance between offering solutions-oriented predictions and information in a way that is honest and candid and doesn't set people up for failure by saying, oh, you can always manifest, or we are always collectively manifesting our highest timeline, no matter what. That to me, is not the way forward because it ignores reality entirely. But it's like if you have a gift, I just think you should give that gift to the people around you, like if you're, if you're really funny and you have the gift of comedy, give comedy to people you know. Be funny and better, yet, maybe try being a standup comedian. You know, if you're a psychic, yeah, maybe you don't want to just like tap a stranger on the shoulder at the grocery store and say, like, hey, like you know, I think your loved one is in a lot of pain or is in danger right now. Like, obviously that's not really the right way to go about it.
Speaker 1:But if someone consults you and they give you their chart and they ask you pointed questions, like you should be able to answer them honestly. Similarly, it's like I have the document, like every other astrologer, of the planetary blueprints. So I think it would be a disservice to say, well, I'm just going to gatekeep those opinions or answers. Or you know again, predictions. And you know there's another nuanced layer to that which is, again, how good is someone at making predictions? Like, if someone is missing the mark all the time, then yeah, they probably shouldn't be making predictions.
Speaker 1:And you know, in my case, I feel, while I've never been 100%, I haven't been 100% at everything I've ever said, but I've been way more often accurate than not, and even, you know, having visions, to a point where, you know, I would like to continue to finesse that skill. I would like to be able to get to a point where I can identify the risk, the specific risk or opportunity, and the location, which is actually why I posted a story the other day on Instagram saying well, you know, it's like I'm not, I'm not going to run away from making predictions. If anything, I'm going to, I'm going to double down on this and look to hire an astro cartographer to help fill in the gaps where I don't have time to do location analysis. I mean, I can do astro cartography in a reading for someone and on my own, but I don't have time for it in my day to day. Most of the time I'm doing one-on-one readings, newsletters, courses, media, you know, posts, reels and so on. It just slips under the radar. So, like in the case of, you know, the tragedy in New Orleans that was happening during the Mars-Pluto opposition, and I looked at the chart for New Orleans after the fact and I was like, wow, they had a Mars return and Pluto on their Mercury. Like that does show danger through transportation and vehicles. And then, in the case of Los Angeles, we'll talk about. You know, there was an obvious risk to that, so like with the fires. So anyways, I think there's a way to again provide responsible forecasts in a way that's solutions oriented, and I think I've done that many times and many times over, and I'm going to do that today on the podcast.
Speaker 1:But you know, you're entitled to your own opinion. If you are someone who believes that, you know astrologers should just kind of take a step back and know their place, that's your prerogative. But I just feel like that really just denigrates a core type of divination and just kind of like, uh, ostracizes it like, which is sort of like what we're fighting against as spiritual people, like we should normalize it and continue to normalize it to a point where, as long as it's done responsibly, it should be offered to the public and not, uh, frowned upon or cringed at, you know like, or grimaced at. So I mean, you know I'm not trying to start a war in the astrological community and actually that's another reason why I didn't really understand the post that this person put up, because it's like we're already, you know, so at odds with the rest of the world and skeptics already try to denigrate us. It's like the last thing we need is to fragment the astrology community and like, honestly, maybe I'm fragmenting it further by talking about it. But I mean, I don't know, it was a little off-putting and I just feel like, you know, again, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I don't think astrologers should shirk at their or cower away or shirk their responsibilities, which is to again help the collective understand and process what's going on from the divinatory angle.
Speaker 1:And you know, it's like if you don't believe that astrology has a role to play right now, then it's almost like you don't believe in the as above, so below framework. So it's like, if people are trying to figure out, is it arson, or how long are the fires going to be? How long are they going to prolong? I mean, why not look to the planets? Because they do reflect the fact that we live in a fractal universe and if we can ascertain things from the planetary positions, for example, before COVID there are astrologers who predicted the pandemic why not continue to offer those skills, with the acknowledgement that we are not firefighters, we are not first responders, we are not, you know, directly on the front lines. We are not solving the problem. But if we continue to sharpen our tools and hone our craft, then maybe a year from now, one or two or three of us make the same prediction about the same location and, you know, not in a fear-mongering way, but in a way that says like, have a to-go bag, or, you know, make sure that you have filled up your gas tank or you have enough water, whatever it is, and maybe at some point a hundred years from now, astrologers are in the employ of municipal governments and they can give them a heads up about this and say well, saturn and Pisces check your water supply, like that. Right. There is advice that any astrologer, any astrologer with any just core competency, would have been able to say that and tell the LA, whatever city council or Gavin Newsom to be like really making sure that the hydrants work, because Saturn is in Pisces, which literally shows that there is a constriction or a delay in water. So with all of that out of the way, let's start to really go into a bit more of a brisk pace here and talk about these fires.
Speaker 1:So, in terms of the cause, people are wondering about the cause. Now, there are many different fires. Some of them have been already plausibly linked to arson, others to the environment, to the winds and the Santa Ana winds. But you know, I think that while the conditions themselves were conducive to fires, like obviously the winds were a factor, I do believe that the Mars-Pluto opposition that has been lingering for literally months and will continue to linger for months indicates possible criminal activity like arson. I do think arson is a highly plausible explanation, in fact I think it is the most likely explanation. I do believe that again, the Santana winds were propelling these fires and stoking the flames, but I still think that there was likely shady activity with an arsonist capitalizing on these conditions. And again, the Mars-Pluto opposition does mirror some of those World War II aspects. So there were risks of something resembling a nuclear explosion, which again has been the LA fires, and maybe the environment is purely the cause of that. But I really, when you look at the stats, you know 80%, I believe, of major wild wildfires in the U S are caused by humans, or not always arsonists, but but caused by humans in some way. I do think the Mars-Pluto opposition has increased the odds that someone would be vengeful or extreme in their behaviors. But again, mars does rule fire. So you could argue Mars, opposite Pluto, just stokes the flames, naturally or unnaturally if you factor in climate change. But the cause aspect is, I think, a little bit more hazy.
Speaker 1:But the prognosis, I think, is again something worth diving into in this podcast, I think. Again, no disrespect to the astrologer who posted about that, but I think it's okay for astrologers to give a prognosis so long as they do it responsibly. So again, don't take any astrologer or astrological prediction as gospel. Just think about it like you like. Imagine you're the president and you're in the Oval Office trying to navigate a crisis and you solicit the opinions of an engineer, a shaman, a I don't know history expert, a psychologist and so on, and you know you happen to bring in an astrologer as like the 12th expert who again just gives a little bit of extra guidance and maybe that extra guidance makes the difference. Think about it that way.
Speaker 1:So to kind of get the prognosis, we have to look at LA's birth chart. Now there are two birth charts for LA actually online, but you really want to reference the 1781 version, which actually speaks to the time when LA was founded as a city, when LA was founded as a city. So in the LA birth chart, the thing I want to point out here is first of all the north and south node. North node is at 26 Aries, south node at 26 Libra. Now, where is Mars retrograde at this time? It is at the later degrees of Cancer, so it is literally squaring and at the bending of the lunar nodes for the LA chart.
Speaker 1:Now, that would suggest that again, in retrospect, if I was having those visions a week or two ago and then looking at all these charts for all these major cities, I would have realized, oh, mars is squaring the lunar nodes for LA, mars retrograde brings the Martian energy sort of to a peak. It's almost too much Mars, as I've said in other podcasts, and Mars rules fire. The North Node is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. So when Mars squares the lunar nodes, you can have an experience, sudden, faded events with Martian themes, which includes fire. So that already would have upped the odds of a fire. But anyways, I do think that that is the catalyst in many ways. So we basically have to think about how long is Mars going to be squaring these nodes? Well, it is going to be squaring for two weeks longer, pretty much, and I want to sort of explore that on this podcast. Now, again, don't think about it. Like you know, gospel here but I think that we can explore sort of a general timeline Now.
Speaker 1:I do think that when Mercury goes into Aquarius on January 28th and reaches the conjunction to Pluto technically on the 29th, 30th I think by that point we will realize, like fully what exactly went down in the fires. I don't know if we will know exactly until then, because once Mercury hits the LA Pluto which, by the way, la is going through a Pluto return I think we will have all the sort of inside information, any potential scandals, divulged. So I think we will know by then if it was arson, if there was any discussions within various departments in LA about slashing the budget, or if there was any illicit activities that diverted money away from funding that was necessary to keep these hydrants active or these reservoirs filled. Whatever it is, I do think by the end of January there is some drama, dramatic news coming out about how this was handled and how, how this fire was started, and by that time there is an Aquarius new moon on January 29th, and that is happening around the time that Mars is really not squaring the lunar nodes anymore. However, uranus will station direct around the same time.
Speaker 1:Now I think the positive news here is that Mars kind of gets out of that square. It does oppose the LA natal Mars, but I think you could argue that by the end of January, like a lot of these risks start to subside. Now there is like a worst case scenario where the Mars opposition to the LA, mars plus Uranus stationing direct, opposing Jupiter plus Mars you know, having to station direct eventually and square the lunar nodes again, like, if you factor all these things in, like the worst case scenario would be that you know all the way through pretty much um well, let me even find the date, I mean all the way through, like late April, early May that there's like some kind of you know, continual risk of something, whether it's an earthquake or fire or you know some other water related event. I mean that would be the worst case scenario.
Speaker 1:So, like when I used to be an analyst at Business Insider and L2, you know predicting, you know where a market or an industry was headed, I would always and like literally making an industry was headed. I would always and like literally making forecasts about how valuable an industry would be. I would always imagine what's the what's sort of the bull case, the base case and the bear case for anything. So the bull case would be like okay, you think the like, for example, the mobile payments industry is going to be worth X, like X amount of billions of dollars by this year, or there's going to be X amount of trillions of transactions or dollars in transactions through mobile platforms by this year, whatever the forecast is, or the IoT industry is going to be worth this much. You always want to think about and triangulate around okay, what's a bullish case to make for this industry's growth, a bear case meaning it doesn't grow as much as you expect and then a base case in the middle, and then you kind of settle around the base case and so in this situation, again responsible forecasting, what is the bear case meaning? The worst case?
Speaker 1:And the worst case scenario is that Mars, like the transits of Mars and Uranus stationing direct, just drags not necessarily the fires on, but natural disasters on through early May. Is that possible? I mean, it's not impossible, but certainly by the time Mars leaves the opposition to the LA natal Pluto, which is around May 14th, 15th, although the sun does conjoin Uranus around that time, I guess. So we'll call it basically the beginning of Gemini season season, ideally a lot of. I mean when I'm again. When I'm saying risk, I'm saying any risk in LA, whether it's an earthquake or a landslide or a fire. All of that to me starts to clear up in a big way when we get, you know, mars fully post-shadow past, its retrograde past, the opposition to Pluto. Now I'm not saying that that's definitely the line of demarcation that everyone will where, everyone will have to wait for. But you know, the Uranus direct station on January 30th, you know, is opposing the LA Jupiter, you know it does make me wonder if there is some kind of Uranian geological seismic activity, but it's not a guarantee by any means. I think, most realistically, if you look at the fact that the fires are being increasingly contained already, I think the most realistic scenario is that once we, once Mars, leaves the square to the nodes, which again is really by the end of January, people should feel like any of the imminent risk of the fires spreading has, like, fully subsided. Now, of course they could solve it even sooner, but, you know, I do think there's sort of an alleviation of that stress and that risk by the end of January.
Speaker 1:However, pay attention to the time when Uranus stations direct. So again, in total candor here, like you know, you want to like, like again. I don't understand why astrologers wouldn't be able to make predictions right now. It's like, you know, if you're like, if you're someone who's high strung and like you don't do well with like thinking about the future and you're anxious, like, fine, you know, maybe you shouldn't, you know, listen to astrology forecasts period. You know, because there are people who you know just won't like, they just get, and that's fine. I'm not trying to judge you. But like, there are people who you know just won't like, they just get, and that's fine. I'm not trying to judge you. But like there are people who get anxious about anything like they'll see a video about, you know, a possible relationship, committal, committing, commitment period, and they freak out. It's like, okay, you have to adjust for your own sensitivity, risk tolerance and so on, but if you're listening to this podcast, you probably are someone who just like, wants the facts.
Speaker 1:So when Uranus stations direct on January 30th, that does give me a little bit of it, just gives me a little bit of pause because, you know, the Uranus direct station is happening shortly after Mars has finished kind of squaring the lunar nodes and it is happening after these fires. Presumably right, presumably they contain the fires once Mars gets out of the squares of the lunar nodes, but then Uranus stations direct, which does make me a little concerned about possible earthquakes. Now I don't know where that would be. That's where, again, I have to be really clear with you. I'm not trying to predict exactly where. So maybe that is you know. Maybe you're like well, okay, well then, how's that helpful? It's like, okay, well, keep in mind that Uranus is stationing direct pretty much around the time of the Aquarius new moon, which is ruled by Uranus. So if you wanted to like think about, okay, what's the solution for this, just pay attention to the end of January. Like, if you're an LA resident, for example, you would want to, you know, just be mindful of the fact that Uranus is stationing direct on the 30th and just, you know, you can continue to live your life, but don't like be in unnecessarily precarious positions on that day where an earthquake would really affect you. So I just wanted to call that out.
Speaker 1:And then after that, again, we do get Mars eventually opposing the natal LA Mars, which honestly is not great. Like, I don't like that. It does sort of again harken back to these Martian themes of hot and hot like heat and dryness. So perhaps all that means is that the dry, hot weather or or the yeah, relatively like hot and dry weather continues and it might continue. It probably will continue that sort of condition, but that doesn't mean that the fires would continue to rage on right. It just means that, you know, perhaps the drought continues into early February and then you know again. Like I said, eventually by the end of the springtime or by the middle of the springtime we get Mars fully away from the opposition to the LA Pluto. Now LA is going through a Pluto return, with Pluto near the IC. So there is again I wish I'd seen this chart many weeks ago, but like there is, or even a year ago, there is bound to be a total transformation of the landscape in a lot of ways when Pluto is on the IC.
Speaker 1:So after that we then get Saturn and Neptune heading into. Like May and June of this year we get Saturn and Neptune in Aries and again, just based on the LA inception chart, which some people might not even use, it does have a three degree Aquarius moon or, sorry, aries moon, and that three degree Aries moon is now, at that point in the summertime, in a co-present conjunction with Neptune and Saturn. Co-present conjunction with Neptune and Saturn. So if you go off of the LA 1781 chart, honestly that does, over the next year, through early 2026, create the possibility that there would be some type of we'll say well, there's a number of things. Let me break it down. I mean, let me just break it down for you.
Speaker 1:I think that the Saturn-Neptune co-present conjunction with the LA moon, which, by the way, continues through March approximately, and April really of 2026, I think, as long as that conjunction is at play, there are so some risks, including water shortages. Water quality could be an issue and also, to be honest and this is just, I think goes even beyond the astrology, like anytime you have fires wiping out, you know, like a hillside or something you do, you know it does expose the landscape to a lot of risk when there is rain eventually. So once it rains, eventually, you have to wonder about mudslides, and I do think mudslides are a near-term risks or risk, and as are gas leakages, which is a piscean thing, and water quality issues. I know that gavin newsom is like streamlining the rebuilding process and usually, like I would cheer for the peeling back of red tape. But in this case it does feel like a perfect storm where, like homes could be kind of like rebuilt in precarious areas of the city and again susceptible to mudslides and landslides. So hopefully they again really, really pay attention to that and factor that in.
Speaker 1:And you know also, jupiter will be on the natal LA Uranus soon, this summer, as again Uranus is opposing the LA Jupiter, so there's a lot of um, you know, uh, potential here for still inclement weather. Even though there's a drought right now, any sort of like wet inclement weather rain would really just continue to create imbalance and reveal imbalance in the ecosystem. And what's interesting is in the LA chart, uranus squares the moon, you know, natally. So that just shows that it is an earthquake-prone region. And well, the good news is that Uranus is not forming any harsh aspects to the LA moon, so I do want to mention that. So, like, if there's not any, you know, so there very may well not be any major earthquakes for a long time, you know, maybe not until Uranus return in the mid 2030s.
Speaker 1:So, but I do want to point out that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction even if you go with a different LA chart, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction that's coming both this year and next year does conjure the image, as I've described in years past, of like a castle built on sand. I mean, that's what I literally described Saturn and Neptune as when they're together. So, in this context again, I do think mudslides are a risk in the next year, year and a half, next year, year and a half, and I also think with these fires it probably will. It does open the risk of, you know, gas leakages.
Speaker 1:And the other thing I want to mention, though with the Saturn Neptune conjunction, and also Saturn and Pisces and Saturn North Node conjunction of Pisces, I just think that there are pollutants and particles in the air that are going to linger for a long time in LA. Now, does that mean that you should just like leave LA or worry about that? You have to adjust for your own risk tolerance. Like the fact is, these are just facts. Like after this, after this fire, like there is, there are pollutants and contaminants in the air. When you have, when you, when that many structures are are burned, you know you could have things like asbestos in the air and, uh, you know, even like the flame retardants that are dropped into uh to to stop the fires while that's necessary, you have to wonder what chemicals are in those. So you know, the point is that factually there is environmental exposure to toxins.
Speaker 1:But I do think the Saturn in Pisces transit with Neptune, and then the ingress into Aries but also the North end of Pisces, all of this combined shows that I think the environmental exposure is worse than people might imagine, worse than what the AQI or the air quality index might show. So just telling you like, if you want to stick it out and, and you know, hold the city together, and if you believe that you have um sort of an overarching purpose to be there to help people, that is a very Pisces North node thing and that is part of this Pisces North Node transit, by the way, is that there will be benefit concerts, there will be fundraisers, there will be religious services, there will be spiritual movements, there will be collective meditations. You know we're going to throw everything at this, you know to try to heal and mend and it will bring us together and it will again help us set aside differences. But I do believe, objectively, with these transits going on, there are environmental toxins and Saturn in Pisces does surface all kinds of themes related to chronic ailments and chronic illness, which I have been harping on for a year now, and I think this is the event that I've been talking about in a lot of ways, like you know. Did I ever say at any point that LA will have a fire on this day? No, but I spoke about it through again the visuals during the webinar and the images and the themes, again, talking about pollutants in the air, talking about chronic disease, talking about, you know, having to manage these things. And you know, just like 9-11 had a victim compensation fund for anyone who lived below Canal Street during 9-11. You know, because in New York, there was a higher incidence of I think I believe it was certain types of cancer for people who lived below Canal Street after 9-11, because, obviously, when those buildings collapsed, it did release all kinds of you know, unknown chemicals into the environment. So I do think, in parallel to that, in the long term, la is going to have a compensation fund. Now I talked about this on my sub stack, and that sub stack is free, by the way, because I don't again, I don't want to gatekeep this information, but I think once Saturn goes into Gemini and squares, the Saturn in Pisces position, gemini is the lungs.
Speaker 1:There's going to be all kinds of discussions about oh well, why did this person have a lot of breathing issues now? Probably because they were in LA during this time. I mean, again, I'm not telling you to run away from LA. Everybody is taking risks by being on this earth. Everyone is taking risks by living on a planet that is being constantly, you know, just flooded with pollutants, you know, and like there are pollutants being pumped into the air constantly. So it's like not like if you leave LA, it's not like you know you're, there's no area really on the earth that's like completely, you know, able to insulate from the toxins that are out there. You know so. So I'm not even saying that people should again, I'm not trying to say people should run away. I mean I still have a, have a house there. So it's not like, um, you know I'm trying to create anxiety, but I am also trying to give you information instead of just keeping it in a journal somewhere and like trying to um, cower away and be like, well, you know, I need to, just, like, you know, give other people space right now. It's like, no, I mean, there's a way, there's a way to be helpful without you know again, without being, um, you know so bombastic, or you know, fear mongering. So I do think you just have to calibrate all the factors. You have to decide how much do you love the city, how much do you feel like your purpose is there? You want to factor in the fact that there will be medical advances, probably in a few years, that can catch those things anyways and can help people detox from exposure. So you have to realize that in a lot of ways everything ends up balancing out.
Speaker 1:Humanity has survived so many different cataclysmic events. I've been hiking in the Sequoias before and, you know, seen a sign that says, well, pollution from China, technically, is carried over here, and the clouds you're seeing right now is partly pollution from China. So, like I, like everybody, have exposed myself to certain toxins already. You know I have lived close to the one-on-one, like you know, like and gone, jogging outside almost every day. Close to the one-on-one, like you know, like and and and gone, jogging outside almost every day, close to the one-on-one. So it's not like I've, you know, but I've. But I've lived in LA for the purposes of like, being in a creative field and trying to find a spiritual community and all this stuff.
Speaker 1:So it's like like anything like, yeah, you have to weigh the present cons, but this is unfortunately, this event is really reflecting that Saturn Pisces transit which again is going to really bring about these amazing humanitarian efforts, which again is something I channeled in the webinar. I said something to the effect of the fact that there would be people witnessing maybe some kind of explosion and wanting to help and wanting to, you know, donate to a cause, and like we're seeing that now. And I said that there would be mass meditations, and there are, and my friend Jen is doing one, a mass meditation to, you know, help uplift LA. So I feel like, again, you just have to decide, like, what is your mission? Do you feel like, oh, I'm on my Venus line or something in LA and it's going well? Okay, then continue. If you're someone who was on the fence about living there already, then here you go. I mean, you know, it shows also, even with their Chiron return, like LA is going to have its Chiron return in a few years and like Chiron is in Taurus there. So Chiron in Taurus shows that the land is going through in some ways, that we can heal the earth and heal the land, but also that it's going through some potential damage. So my summary here for LA and then I'll expand this to the world at large is that the fires definitely show up in the transits. They were reflected in the transits recently. I do think that the fires will calm down once Mars is no longer squaring the lunar nodes in the LA chart, no longer squaring the lunar nodes in the LA chart, and, at the very least, once Mars is no longer retrograde. I do believe that you know things will start to ease up.
Speaker 1:But like, think about how Mars and Cancer is showing that. You know Cancer is the home and you know Mars can create destruction in the home or of homes. You know I talked about that many months ago. I said that Mars and Cancer it almost feels like the person who is supposed to be your or the thing that's supposed to be your source of comfort is now your source of strain. That's pretty much exactly how I phrased it back in September, I believe it was. And now here we are. But remember, jupiter is going into cancer this summer. So Jupiter and cancer is going to coincide with massive projects to rebuild these homes and build back even stronger potentially.
Speaker 1:So again, I'm not wishing any negativity on the city. Again, I live in the city, so there's literally no reason for me to want to manifest any kind of negative outcome. But I think, if you know again, if we're being objective again, there is cause for hope, I think once the fires subside I think they will subside in the next few weeks. Once Mars leaves the square, there may be some patches of fire all the way through, maybe mid-February, but once Mars is no longer retrograde again, I see those fires as like being contained. I would worry, though, medium term, about mudslides, because I think Saturn and Neptune and Pisces with the North Node, can create again extremes with water, whether it's extreme drought and inaccessible water suddenly also contrasting with a lot of water and just creating this wet terrain, which is very Piscean.
Speaker 1:So, in the long, long term, though, I do worry about pollutants and toxins in the environment that were released with these fires, and I do think there will be a compensation fund. I do think that fund will really start to pay out funds by the time Saturn squares the current position, which would be like 2031, 2032. But that's not to say that you know that it's going to be some like, like tons of people are going to be affected by it. But I do think that, like, in some way, shape or form, you should take stock of the fact that there are pollutants from these fires that will hang around for a long time, and I don't know if that's a matter of like having your home or building tested for, you know, any kind of like new, newfound toxins, like, maybe that's your situation, maybe that's your solution. Again, I want to be solutions oriented but basically, just like my, my advice would be like to keep track of any agencies that are tracking the toxins and just maintain, just like, keep track of the news related to that, you know, take notice of any reports around that. I would question the objectivity of the AQI, like the air quality index. I don't think it makes any sense. I don't think they're tracking not even saying they're doing it by design or for nefarious reasons or maliciously but I don't think they're tracking all the particles. Maybe there's finer particles that aren't being measured.
Speaker 1:So also water quality. You know you're going to have to pay attention to that. If you decide to stay in LA, water quality and gas leakages are going to be near-term risks. But again, if you believe you have a higher purpose there, nobody's going to stop you. You can be there. I also think the insurance industry is going to go through a series of debacles, obviously because of this. So it does show the Venus retrograde coming up that might be harder to get insurance all of a sudden.
Speaker 1:Now, obviously, for the world at large, what's the advice? Pay attention to pollutants, pay attention to possible contamination of anything in your vicinity, whether it's water or the air. Just pay attention to it. Don't live in fear. But I'm giving you the advice right now to just remain vigilant. There's nothing wrong with that. That is just the theme of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, like I just see it, as you know, the, because you know Pisces has a lot to do with toxins.
Speaker 1:So, just like paying attention to any, any indications that there are leakages or, again, contaminants in the air. Also, you know you you want to just look towards religion and spirituality right now, because that's where you can find comfort, that's where you can find groups of people who are also trying to help and that's where you can, you know, really form new bonds, and also elsewhere in the world. I mean you will have to pay attention to flooding this year. I mean I talked about this in my 2025 webinar. But like there very well could be a Katrina-like storm this year. I mean, I talked about this in my 2025 webinar, but like there very well could be a Katrina like storm in this year. In fact, I think that probably there will be.
Speaker 1:I mean, I'm not saying in new Orleans, but like there there probably will be some type of um sometime between the spring and the fall and early next year, 2026,. I just think that there's going to be some type of, you know, inclement weather in a typically humid area that you know is historic, and maybe even a dry climate like LA would get some kind of hurricane. But like, I think it's most likely, you know, probably somewhere in the Southeast US, maybe the Northeast, or maybe in the Pacific or something like in Asia. But yeah, I mean, extreme weather events are kind of the norm and you know, chiron and Taurus is coming up the next couple of years. Well, actually, technically, the ingress is in 2026. And that's going to be a lot about healing the earth. So I think that there's going to be a clear, like this LA fire is just is a wake up call for people to just prioritize the environment, but also to, you know, like work as a community, and I talked about this with Pluto and Aquarius actually A couple months ago. I said one of the themes is to is that we will think more locally and that's where we will generate these new communities and kind of enmesh ourselves in these networks. So think locally, support and lift up your neighbors right now, especially while Jupiter's in Gemini.
Speaker 1:Don't like succumb to analysis, paralysis with the news while Jupiter's in Gemini either, but read, but also pay attention to your instincts. Don't just rely on the metrics and the reporting Because, again, the AQI may tell you that the weather is just fine or the air quality is just fine in some area of LA or some area of your local city. But you got to. You got to wonder again with these Piscean transits, is there something you know? Is there something more intricate or something more microscopic in the air?
Speaker 1:And with the South Node and Virgo, this is going to be an era, with the North and South Node in this, in Pisces and Virgo, of health. People are going to be focused on health and personal health and environmental exposure. So, yeah, you're just going to have to be vigilant in that way and again, as long as you're vigilant about that and not taking your health for granted and also, again, lifting others up, then I think that you can have a great year still and you can experience the sort of wisdom and the I don't know the sort of fulfillment in helping someone through a crisis like this. So yeah, again, I know I unpacked a lot today and I'm sure for some of you it was overwhelming. I'm sure some of you are listening to this right now and saying, well, maybe the other astrologer was right, maybe astrologers shouldn't be giving forecasts. But you know I'm not going to change, I'm just going to keep doing this.
Speaker 1:And again, if you don't like to dig into these types of things, then you know, follow someone else, you know it's fine, I don't take it personally it things. Then, you know, follow someone else, you know it's fine, I don't take it personally. It's like everybody has their own risk, tolerance and sensitivities and you just have to take that into account. And I do think, with the Saturn, by the way, uranus square coming up for the LA chart because you know Saturn transiting, saturn is going to square LA's natal Uranus there could be all kinds of you know, innovative technological solutions to towards rebuilding the homes, like I actually think that you know well. I mean, crises and challenges actually do precipitate innovation, right? So I think that there will be new innovations in real estate or, sorry, housing construction. Basically, I think there will be new innovations in housing construction. Basically, I think there will be automated construction technologies that will come about in the next year while Jupiter is in Cancer and Pluto is in Aquarius. So look to that as a bright spot. Aquarius, so you know, look to that as a bright spot and I think, like companies that specialize in that, that, you know, I'm sure there's, there's stocks will, you know, will just skyrocket. So, anyways, thank you so much.
Speaker 1:I'm Evan Nathaniel Grimm.
Speaker 1:Remember that the predictions for your zodiac sign are still available. So those 2025 horoscopes are, you know, available, and also my one-on-one readings are sold out, though, for the year, but I will be offering courses this year, so stay tuned for that and also subscribe to my Substack newsletter for more in-depth predictions. And also just remember, with all these transits going on, you know, wherever you live, this is a time where you can achieve optimal health. I mean, you know that is the goal here. You know you want to be as healthy as you can be and also as spiritually illuminated as you can be through the lens of your communities. But you know, the fact is that LA is having a Pluto return on the IC, pretty much, so the landscape will be transformed and there probably will be more inclement weather, but you know it's also going to generate so many wonderful innovations that will help us adapt to that reality. So, anyways, thank you so much and definitely share this podcast with people, give it a review and so on. And thank you so much and take care.